Q: "I am usually good about limiting my child's screentime, but with COVID, it is really hard to offer him an alternative to video games and YouTube videos.  He can't have friends over so even staying in touch with them is through a device.  Any suggestions on how I can manage this?"


A: It is definitely challenging to compete with the entertainment that video games and videos, but it is possible!  Set firm limits on how much time your child can be on the screen that includes all screen-based activities.  Help them decide when they would like to use their time, maybe in 30-minute blocks.  This is a good time to connect with your child about how adults also struggle with managing the amount of time they spend on their phones and computers.  Lastly, have your child brainstorm a list of activities that they enjoy and when possible find time to engage with them.  Sometimes kids actually forget how much they liked doing things before they got hooked on video games!"
