Q: "My children have been increasingly worried since COVID started.  It began with them asking a lot of questions about whether they would die, we would die, family members would die, etc.  We tried our best to answer those questions even as we had our own worries.  Now our daughter is having trouble falling asleep at night because she is worried that "bad things while happen if she is sleeping."  What can I do to reassure her?"


A: This is a tough one!  You are not alone as many parents struggle with how to get their children to bed.  Usually, this is a time when everyone is tired and patience is being tested which is not a good combination.  A bedtime routine that is consistent can be calming and help your child prepare for sleep.  Sometimes this includes reading, taking a shower or bath, listening to music, or even a brief meditation.  Offer reassurance but resist sleeping in the room or staying with your child until they fall asleep.  This actually reinforces their fear that they should be scared.
